How to Save Money while Shopping at the Top Grocery Stores in Canada
Saving money on grocery shopping is the first thing on every one's list. An average Canadian spends about 13% of their monthly income on grocery items. With the cost of food items rising each month, keeping the cost low is a daunting task for households. If you’re worried about paying much more than you should for groceries this This guide will give you strategies to complete your grocery shopping on a budget! Read on to find out more about how to save money each month. Plan Your Meals to Save Money If you plan your weekly meals, the practice can help you save a ton of money by the end of the month. The task is simple and all you need to do is make a list of your meals for the week and shop for it more preferably on a discount day of the week. Planning a week’s meals will help you reduce wasting food. You can use the leftovers for your meal like turning leftover chicken from the roast into a stew or using the bones or carcass for a broth or as a soup. Buy Generic or non-B...